
Written by: Michelle Moscardini

Like Sarina, I also like to read. It’s so nice to escape the hectic world we live in and get entranced into a new book.

I recently had the pleasure of attending a book review party for The Muse and meeting local author Melanie Snow. The Muse is her first published novel. I, of course, had to purchase her book!

It is about college friends, January and Alexander, that share a deep friendship and connection despite their lives leading them to different parts of the globe. That is, until one day 15 years later when they end up both living in the same city again. They are both married to other people now. But, there is still an attraction that has never been fully acted upon.

I don’t want to give away too much; however, I will say that I found myself struggling with how I wanted the book to end. Meaning, they are both married to other people, yet there are deep feelings between January and Alexander.

Be sure to check out this Melanie Snow’s debut novel and keep an eye out for future novels. It comes in hard copy and kindle format. Click the link below to purchase The Muse from Amazon.


Check out a video from the book review party. Be sure to subscribe to the Suggestions by Sarina Youtube channel.