Being kind to others shouldn't cost anything nor should it take anything away from you but it makes a big difference to others! That's why we're starting this initiative to spread acts of kindness not just within our community but beyond. We firmly believe life is too short for a list of regrets and you would never regret being kind. If it's not Sarina Fazan or the team at Sky Strategic Marketing donating at local non profits, you’ll see the interns like Jordan, Mathew, and Ian making donations or sharing other acts of kindness in our community! We love to post these acts of kindness under our webpage called letsspreadkindness.com and you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook titled @startspreadingkindness. You can also reach out to Sarina Fazan for coverage on your project through Instagram at Sarina Fazan News and Facebook at Sarina Fazan Media. Remember, kindness is free, let’s pass it on!